Our interview for the talented “Poesis” - Surreal Artist
1. Your work is always unique and original, do you want to tell us how your design is born or what inspires you when you draw?
I believe a design is born way before we even realize it, long before the decision to get a tattoo is made. My art is born when life is being experienced. When emotions are being brought to the surface. A creative idea is the sum of an entire lifetime. It goes deeper and farther in ways we can’t understand at first glance. Everything that has shaped the client and me, from the way our society has evolved to the way we brush our teeth in the morning, is influencing the design. The motifs I choose are rarely by coincidence and are strongly integrated into who we are. So, naturally, the main inspiration is always the human experiences we have and share and our emotions. My art combines a glimpse of two whole worlds and shows where and how they overlap. I tend to be aesthetically inspired by dark, bizarre, surreal, and unconventional themes.

2. What would you recommend to anyone who wants to become a tattoo artist doing their own style?
My art is a direct extension of who I am. It conveys my innermost thoughts and emotions and what I want to communicate to the world. Tattoos just happened to be the medium I use at the moment. This perspective has helped me bring my own voice into this industry. I believe that we shouldn't be afraid to explore ourselves and learn who we are. Embrace vulnerability and self-discovery. By being open and honest with ourselves and others, we can truly understand our own thoughts and feelings. Self-awareness and authenticity are key. The greatest creativity is the one we find within ourselves.
3. What is the meaning of your name? Is Poesis your name or your artist name?
My real name means ‘poetry’ in Hebrew. 'Poesis' means poetry and creation in ancient Greek. When I was a kid, my grandfather used to call me ‘Poesis’. He is Greek, an art history and archeology professor who dedicated most of his career to learning and proving the influences ancient Greece has on the modern world. He had a lot of influence on my artistic upbringing and showed me that the world is full of wonders to explore and learn about. Whenever I show him my tattoo designs, he never fails to spot Greek references that I hadn't even considered! I'm incredibly grateful for his guidance and inspiration.
4. Your work is eccentric and out of the ordinary, does it reflect your personality?
That’s an interesting question! I find it hard to judge my own personality and how others perceive me objectively. I feel like a big weirdo most of the time, and my ego sees this as either good or bad, depending on the day.
5. What would you have become if you hadn’t been a tattoo artist?
If 3 years ago I hadn't pursued tattooing and had to choose a different path, I would definitely still pursue my passion for art. I would either focus on fine arts, which has been a dream of mine since I was young, or photography. Photography is so captivating! There are so many aspects to consider when creating a great picture. The ability to compose a photo that conveys emotions and tells a story like a painting is truly remarkable.
6. Many of your subjects represent faces with flowers, do you want to tell us why and if they are all somehow connected to each other or not?
The faces and the flowers are meant for the viewer to interpret and understand from their own perspective. Their combination was born from my great interest in human behavior, relationships, vulnerability, and emotions. Each of us is shaped so differently and uniquely but in many aspects, we are all the same. This interest came from my own personal experiences, the ongoing process of understanding who I am, why I am, and how and what I want to become. I often notice that the experiences I go through unintentionally manifest in my art and tattoo designs at that time. The motifs in my designs are always interconnected, they create a conversation with one another that only the viewer can hear. Eventually, creating an atmosphere of a diverse and harmonious whole.
7. Have you ever rejected a customer's idea, or do you always try to find a solution in between?
I'm always open to hearing my client's ideas, trying out new things, and working together on whatever comes up. When my clients express their creativity, I love supporting it. Staying open to new ideas and concepts is super important for our connection with our world and ourselves. With that being said, I rarely receive a request or a structured idea. My clients trust my artistic abilities to embody their stories. I take great care in understanding their perspective and general vision and create a meaningful and personalized designs that resonate with both of us
8. Is there a message that you try to send through your work, or just give vent to your creativity?
All my art carries a message. All my tattoos are connected. All my tattoos have their own personal expression. They are all me and they are all you. They are our shared life experiences, our struggles, suffering, pain, sadness, agony. But also, our never-ending growth, beauty, light, and hope.
9. Would you like to tell us a funny story that happened while tattooing?
In May 2023 I joined the ‘Remote Tour’, an artists retreat in the jungles of Costa Rica. We stayed in a villa with beautiful glass walls all over, allowing us to enjoy the views of the deep jungles that surrounded us during the day and the starry skies at night. When it got dark, the only source of light seen in the area was from that vila and the moon. On one of the evenings, I ended up tattooing one of my friends. The only two issues I was not considering were: 1. Insects are attracted to light. 2. I am absolutely horrified by insects. Approximately one hour into the dark these glass walls were covered with bugs. The real deal was when the most enormous freaky beatle with the longest feelers I’ve ever seen landed on the glass wall and started walking around. I've never tattooed so fast in my life.
10. Do you have any plans for the future or do you just enjoy the moment without thinking what the future could bring?
Absolutely! I have big dreams for my future. I try my best to be mindful that every step I take will align with what I want and need, while still living in the present and having fun. I believe that enjoying the journey makes reaching my goals even more meaningful and fulfilling.
11. Thank you for your time, we are sure that we will still hear about you, best wishes for a brilliant career and a bright future.
Thank you Angelo for having me and for your constant support in my tattoos! I appreciate it so much 🖤